

Assessing Official comments (see Paragraph 1.4 of the Guidance for CPARS document). A factual, detailed narrative is required for all evaluations regardless of rating (e.g., even Satisfactory ratings require narrative support). A supporting narrative is required for each factor used. Cross-reference the comments in the Assessing Official Narrative to their corresponding evaluation area. Each detailed narrative statement in support of the area evaluation must contain clear and concise objective information that accurately reflects the Contractor's performance under the contract or order. It is also important for the information reported to include current, accurate, and complete statements about the Contractor's performance because this information will be used to assist, inform, and influence future source selection and award decisions. An exceptional cost performance evaluation could, for example, cite the current underrun dollar value and estimate at completion. A marginal evaluation could, for example, be supported by information concerning personnel changes or schedule delinquency rate. Key personnel familiar with the effort may have been replaced by less experienced personnel. Sources of the data used by the Assessing Official for the evaluation may include: operational test and evaluation results; technical interchange meetings; production readiness reviews; earned contract or order incentives; award fee evaluations; customer or field surveys; or evaluation of Contractor reports. The Contracting Officer should be contacted to ensure that all applicable data has been incorporated. The Assessing Official Comments may include up to 24,000 characters per evaluation area in the CPARS AIS.

The Assessing Official must select the applicable choice to the following statement after the Assessing Official Comments: "Given what I know today about the Contractor's ability to perform in accordance with this contract or order's most significant requirements, I (would or would not) recommend them for similar requirements in the future."